Munich Teen Attacker Was Mentally Ill Researched On Rampage Killings

Munich Teen Attacker Was Mentally Ill, Researched On Rampage Killings

The Munich shopping mall shooter was a mentally troubled man, said German police. The 18-year-old teenager has researched rampage killings extensively and had not political motivations or else any apparent...
Should Scotland Gain Independence To Remain In EU Post Brexit

Should Scotland Gain Independence To Remain In EU Post Brexit

It is a big question for many whether Scotland will remain in the European Union (EU) following Brexit. The two governments must assess all options with equal vigour, said the...
AC Refrigerator More Of Threat Than ISIS John Kerry

AC, Refrigerator More Of Threat Than ISIS: John Kerry

ISIS poses a threat of highest level to everyone, but Secretary of State John Kerry said the air conditioners and refrigerators are even a bigger threat to life. Addressing in...
Russia Lifts Traveling Ban Of Russians To Turkey

Russia Lifts Traveling Ban Of Russians To Turkey

Gradually the political situation in Turkey after failed attempted coup is stabilizing and observing it Russia has lifted restrictions on its citizens from flying to the country. According to the...
Erdogan Wants To Become Sultan Of Islamic State Former Canadian Model Bohman

Erdogan Wants To Become Sultan Of Islamic State: Former Canadian Model Bohman

Former Canadian model Hanna Bohman said the biggest threat is not the ISIS alone, but it is the Turkish government supporting the ISIS as its president Erdogan wants the...
Alcohol Is Directly Linked To Few Types Of Cancers Study

Alcohol Is Directly Linked To Few Types Of Cancers: Study

In one of the latest studies it is found drinking alcohol is directly linked to cause of cancer. Details of the report are published in the Addiction scientific journal. The...