North Korea Tests Two Ballistic Missiles From Port City Of Wonsan

North Korea Tests Two Ballistic Missiles From Port City Of Wonsan

North Korea is believed to have fired two Musudan intermediate-range missiles Wednesday morning (local time) from its port city of Wonsan in the eastern coast. South Korea's Unification Ministry spokesman...
Simple Guide To Make Business Successful Profitable Over Long Run

Simple Guide To Make Business Successful, Profitable Over Long Run

Goals differ for every business houses, but the universal objective for all is to increase the profits. There are of course dozens of ways to achieve the goal and...
Sonys PlayStation VR Pre Order Kicks Off In Japan

Sony’s PlayStation VR Pre-Order Kicks Off In Japan

Sony's PlayStation VR pre-orders kicked off Saturday at Japanese retail stores. The device however won't be released until this October. Japanese newspaper Mainichi News writes about 500 people waited at...
Parents Should Teach Kids Sun Protection Habit Experts

Parents Should Teach Kids Sun Protection Habit: Experts

Kids should also be taught safe sun exposure along with other habits that they carry over to adulthood, says expert. Sunlight is important for everyone as daily dose of vitamin...
US Allocates Funding For Technology To Eliminate Zika Virus In Blood Supply

US Allocates Funding For Technology To Eliminate Zika Virus In Blood Supply

Two pathogen reduction technologies is said to be funded by the US government to help reduce the Zika virus risk along with other typs of infections too from being...
UN Sanctions 15 Million For People Fleeing Fallujah

UN Sanctions $15 Million For People Fleeing Fallujah

The United Nations has allocated $15 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for the people fleeing Fallujah. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O'Brien, said...