Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Researchers have wrapped up a recent study on Mediterranean diet saying it helps in decreasing the risk of breast cancer among women if extra olive oil is added.

Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Mediterranean diet is helpful in many other ways. In 2013 one another study found it protects against heart disease and earlier this year a published study revealed the diet could help fend off memory loss.

The new study was conducted by researchers at the University of Navarra in Spain and published in JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association.

Leading researcher on the preventative health effects of the Mediterranean diet, Martinez Gonzales, experimented his study on about 4,000 women between the age group of 60 to 80 years. He segregated the women in two groups. One group was given Mediterranean-plus-olive-diet and the other group was given a low-fat diet.

During a five-year follow-up period to these women it was found those who were given the Mediterranean diet were 68 percent at less risk to developing breast cancer compared to those who were given low-fat diet.

However, the researchers have not yet found which compound or compounds benefited the women. Hence, more studies are needed in this field.

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Paul Linus