Horror Movies for Halloween: Vampires

April 20, 2023 12:30 am0 comments
Horror Movies for Halloween: Vampires

With autumn setting in and Halloween creeping closer, there’s nothing like an evening at home with snacks, drinks, good movies, and good company! Themed movie nights are the perfect way to celebrate Halloween’s swift and spooky approach. There seems to be an infinite number of vampire movies out there, especially […]

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Zambia, Zimbabwe Bans South African Dancer Zodwa Wabantu

April 19, 2023 10:49 pm0 comments
Zambia, Zimbabwe Bans South African Dancer Zodwa Wabantu

South African entertainer Zodwa Wabantu has been banned to enter Zambia to prevent public morals in the country to be corrupted. The 32-year-old controversial dancer was scheduled to perform over the weekend in capital city Lusaka and prior to the event she had publicized through a video clip on social […]

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3 Popular Musical Instruments For Beginners

5:28 pm0 comments
3 Popular Musical Instruments For Beginners

Learning how to play an instrument is, without a doubt, not an easy feat. Sometimes, it can take years and years of practice. That’s why the number of people who manage to learn to play on their own or only with the help of online courses and resources is quite […]

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4 Impressive Strategies Followed by Rummy Winners

11:40 am0 comments
4 Impressive Strategies Followed by Rummy Winners

Rummy is a game of simple rules, skills, and strategies. It is evident that a player who knows the rules well and is skillful enough to implement the right strategies at the opportune time is sure to be successful. Winning the game is the biggest motivator. Winners of online rummy […]

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Kim Kardashian Seeking Divorce From Kanye West?

10:07 am0 comments
Kim Kardashian Seeking Divorce From Kanye West?

A new report has emerged Kim Kardashian may split with Kanye West. It may turn true as they have not been photographed together since September 23. However, the authenticity of new report cannot be guaranteed as the two are expecting their third child via surrogate. The source added their sex […]

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Kendall Jenner Turns 22; Celebrates B’day With Blake Griffin

9:59 am0 comments
Kendall Jenner Turns 22; Celebrates B’day With Blake Griffin

Kendall Jenner celebrated her 22nd birthday on Friday in a cropped ribbed tank, baggy ripped jeans and some massive sparkling hoops. Thursday night she went for a dinner with boyfriend Beau Blake Griffin at Le Petit restaurant in West Hollywood, California. She wore $10,000 Saint Laurent knee-high boots, which is […]

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